Biking Tonight!!

24 Jul 2023 by Todd Hauser

The end of the year has snuck up on us and today has flown by faster than I want it to. We’ll meet at the baseball field parking lot near the trail we have run at before.

Last year there wasn’t baseball games, but if there is, we’ll park on the street like normal.

I already have watermelon in the cooler as week as what water was left over from Saturday. We’ll find somewhere to eat watermelon and check bikes and ride!

We will do the Hackbarth Trail first, then Hwy C bike path and then Prairie Farm Trail back to Lake Andrea. We will be on a dead end road that has some car traffic and next to HWY C which is busy, helmets STRONGLY recommended. But you are in charge of you.

The bridges on the Hackbarth trail are BUMPY so if you have skinny tires be warned you might want to walk them.

Coach Todd

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